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Soul Journal of a Dreambuilder #1 - Welcome to my Blog - Part 1

Updated: Oct 3, 2024

I was born a dreamer, from a very young age I quickly adapted to being an only child, entertaining myself using my vivid imagination.

One of my earliest memories at age 6 was of having a broom that I kept tied securely to the garden fence, as it doubled up as my make-believe horse, ‘Sunny’.

Our neighbours (no pun intended) really encouraged me and went along with it on a daily basis. They even gave me carrots to feed Sunny. Yes, I took imagination to a whole new level, I was deep in my imagination as I used to ride Sunny up and down the street daily and nobody batted an eyelid, or if they did I didn't notice, I was having too much fun.

Looking back, I can't help but laugh at the thought of how this must have looked from the outside, but the truth of the matter is that we start life with vivid imaginations. We are born believing we can do, be or have anything.

The Power of Imagination

As a young child, many of us feel that anything is possible and our imaginations eclipse with reality completely. We have no doubts, no insecurities, no worries, at this stage we are feeling invincible. When babies get frustrated with crawling and they decide they are ready to try to walk, they fall down many times, but they get back up and try again as they are on a determined mission to go places.

As we move from nursery to primary school and then higher education, we become increasingly more influenced by our surroundings, situations, and our environment, especially by the people we interact with on a daily basis; Primarily with our parents, whose role it is to guide us down the right path of life with the rules and boundaries they set at home, teachers in school telling us where to sit and what to wear so we all look the same. At this stage they often discourage any expressions of individualism, telling us straight from the curriculum, how to think and when to speak.

As life continues, we become more aware of our surroundings and circumstances and our perceived capabilities continue to diminish. We start listening to others’ opinions of us. When it comes to career conversations, in some cases people put labels on us, for example telling us that our ambitions are too big by saying “ Maybe you would be better suited as…..”, there are many reasons for this.

As we travel through life, we start having experiences, networking with people, making new friends, joining social circles, taking part in sporting groups, traveling the world, and studying to acquire more knowledge, we reach a fork in the road and we have to make a conscious choice to either be influenced by others or to stand firm in our belief that we can do, be or have anything that we set our mind to.

Thankfully I chose the latter path, and I nurtured my imagination and self-belief to the extent that by the age of 14 in my high school I had a deep-rooted dream that was totally unshakeable.

My Background

My name is Fiona Lowe, I was born on the beautiful island of Jersey in the UK Channel Islands, 10 miles from the coast of France. I spent the first 5 years of my life playing on the beach and in the sea every day. This later became the root of my lifelong love for anything to do with the ocean.

At the age of 5, my mother and I moved to Bolton in the North of England in the UK where I spent the next 12 years building my education at school and college, by the age of 14 nothing could sway me from my three-part dream.

The first part of the dream for my future was to become a General Manager of a beautiful hotel, the second part of my dream was that I would love to live on an island where the sun shines lots and where I would be able to put my feet in the sea every day and the third part was to help others.

I am now living my life exactly as I imagined it all those years ago and my career brought me to exactly the right place that I always envisaged.

Today, I have two companies. I am a Certified DreamBuilder Life Coach and also a Corporate Hospitality Training Consultant creating and delivering bespoke training programmes. I am now living my dream in the beautiful Caribbean islands. With the third leg of my dream, as a DreamBuilder Coach and mentor to many I have helped so many wonderful people to bring life to their dreams too.

Join me in part two of my welcome blog, for the story of how I got from the dream at age 14, to where I am today, a story that I stored deep in my memory a long time ago.

If this is a story that just might be helping someone, somebody somewhere that is reading it, and they start to believe that failing at something somewhere in life is not the end of their story, then it is definitely worthwhile me sharing my story for the first time.

With hugs, love and light,


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Unknown member
Aug 01, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I absolutely l🥰ve how you spoke of Sunny and how great our vivid imaginations were as children. It truly is wonderful to believe that we CAN be, do, or have anything in life we choose.

Thank you so much for being my Best Life Coach, knowing just what to do in guiding me through to clearly see my dreams AND believe so that I am now obtaining a life I love living! 🤗

I am forever grateful for & to you Fiona.

Stay tuned to Fiona and this Blog for more powerful and amazing words of encouragement and wisdom to come.🤩

Unknown member
Aug 01, 2023
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Thank you Michele. I am grateful for your kind feedback. I love the energy that you put into everything you do and that you implemented everything from the DreamBuilder programme and that's what bringing you these amazing results. It is my pleasure to be coaching you on your amazing journey 🥰.


Jul 28, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I enjoyed reading this, I’m looking forward to the next blog

Unknown member
Aug 05, 2023
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Thank you for reading it and I am glad you enjoyed it. The second part of the welcome blog will be out this weekend. I hope you enjoy it too.


Jul 25, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for being out there encouraging dreamers like me!

Unknown member
Aug 05, 2023
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You are most welcome, I am happy that you are feeling inspired. The second part of the welcome blog will be posted this weekend. I hope you find inspiration from this one too.


Jul 19, 2023

After reading the blog i’m truly inspired and personally will be looking forward to the next instalment

Unknown member
Aug 05, 2023
Replying to

Thank you for reading my first blog, I am happy that you are feeling inspired. The second part of the welcome blog will be posted this weekend. I hope you enjoy it too.

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